I really should be raking…

October 24, 2010 § 16 Comments

And I will rake.
But first some journaling, and  a morning fire, outside. There’s so much tinder and kindling in the back woods.
The birds are singing, practically on the same note, just different octaves, and the breeze is gone.
There’s sun rather than the predicted rain.
There are no deadlines today; no schedule, no promises to keep (‘cept dinner, and pie!)
No one else is up yet.
Coffee, pen and paper.

BTW, the other chair (pictured) is empty and you are welcome to come and write by the fire! (there’s a table, too, and plenty of coffee and I promise not to talk.)

Recommended book:
None today.
And no reading other people’s writing.
Just doing one’s own instead.

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§ 16 Responses to I really should be raking…

  • typehype says:

    Thanks for the kind invitation. I’ll be right over!

    • oh says:

      Dear T, wish you could bop over. A bit of a haul but know this: if ever coming in this direction, we have room and a place at the table for you!

      (PS really struggling with writing anything “substantive” today. Maybe I”ll just doodle instead, with words of course.

  • Heather says:

    I’ll be right over!

    • oh says:

      Yes, do come. We always talk of me heading to Denver (and I will) but really, there’s plenty of “cool” here should there be a reason to return. And having said that, there will be fires in the fireplace this winter and two huge couches in the den so bring yourself to the Midwest. And then there’s a craft table, too! OK, we don’t have a pie store. Or a place like Tattered…(forgot full name of your awesome bookstore) BUT we have a few neat little urban bookstores and “paper” shops where cool notebooks and papers can be found. That’s it – we’ll go to Art Mart!!!! Geez, I haven’t been there in ages, either. Come on.

  • I think it was a good choice to put the raking off. Life is busy. It’s important to take time for yourself to do nothing. Or read. Or whatever.

    And I think it’s great that you are doing a 3k run/walk! Good for you! I will probably be doing a 5k in December and am trying to convince a couple other non-runners to do it w/ me. It’s called the “Reindeer Run” and it’s definitely not a ‘serious’ event and is a great way to kick off the holiday season!

    Hope your weekend has been great. I actually wish I could come over and help you rake. I live in a condo so have no yard maintenance – which is nice, but I do sort of miss raking and mowing sometimes!

    • oh says:

      Lisa, now you know when you do come to visit that you and Nor will talk non-stop and see the sights and maybe do a run together.
      But I’ll save some leaves for you. There’s going to be 100s of 1000s more before the season (and the trees) are done!

      Hey, I’m a little nervous about the 3K, especially after doing all kinds of yardwork and cleaning this weekend and feeling absolutely creaky and stiff! Sheesh. Aw, well, mind over matter. Gotta go to talk with my trainer, Nor, now! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Becky says:

    Sounds delightful. And inspiring. I too picked up pen and paper this weekend for the first time in awhile. Raking can wait.

    • oh says:

      Good for you, Becky, on whatever writing you accomplished! But what about baking? Anything good? Here it is nearly 11 pm and I’m hungry? sheesh.

      oh, btw, I did get some raking done. Then Nor came home in early afternoon and SHE did some, too! And then it rained. So you can guess what happened. That’s ok. I have another two dozen leaf bags in the garage.

  • mandy says:

    That sounds absolutely lovely! (The fire and writing, not so much the raking.) I love quiet, peaceful mornings when I have the whole day to myself and can just write. I have been putting pen to paper more often and its incredibly freeing to just let thoughts flow so easily.

    Hope you have a great start to your week!

  • aubrey says:

    Poo…I’m a day late, and I’ve missed your lovely morning. Will you be having any more? A smoky Autumn morning, cool, with spikes of sunlight on the ground…sounds too good to be true.

  • oh says:

    Hey, A – weather permitting, I will be fireside on the weekend – I will set another chair!

  • jeanie says:

    Raking? Nah — it’ll just blow away anyway! Read on, journal, celebrate and enjoy! You don’t get free days all that often!

    • oh says:

      You’re absolutely right! So, I wrote and fed the fire and the dogs hung around, also glad to be outdoors. Lovely. ANd I did rake a few bags later that afternoon, but came home last night and daughter had raked tons of them! More have fallen. Lesson: there will always be leaves.
      You’re write. Best to write!

  • Bone Daddy says:

    We have so lost the concept that nature is good for the human soul. We chase from one air conditioned/heated environment to another (based upon the season/weather du jour). We have also so lost how to shut the heck up and simply observe the nature around us. With tsunamis and toxic spills and earthquakes and solar flares and the ceaseless rattle of human weaponry and machinery, I hearken back to one of my old hippy anthem hook lines: “When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn?” Thanks for sharing and keep blogging away! May the planet earth have mercy on us all stomping on its epidermal layers!

    • oh says:

      BoneD – Yes, yes! outdoors! we all gotta get outdoors. We spend way too much time locked up in our offices, heads down, working away. thanks for your resonating message.

      The song you refer to is one of PP&M’s, right? I’m singing it now. They say that five minutes outdoors also increases all our “happy” chemistry and reduces blood pressure. I’m gonna make it a point to bundle up and go outdoors even when the winter weather comes!

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